Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Don't Lie

Let me know if you’re dead, so I can mourn your absence.
Let me know if you’re far away, so I can write you a letter.
Let me know if you’re in jail, and maybe I’d visit you,
But please don’t tell me you lied to me.

Let me know if all you want is friendship, so I can learn how to act with you,
Let me know if you’re in love with someone else, so I can get out of the way.
Let me know if you’re sick, and I’ll send you a get well card,
But please don’t tell me you lied to me.

I miss the old you I knew, I miss you that night.
I miss your beautiful gaze; I miss the smell of your neck.

But now that you’re gone, I feel deeply your absence.
I need urgent your presence. Please come back!
If you don’t come back, let me at least know you didn’t lie.

Monday, October 01, 2007

What is this?

What is this I am feeling?
It’s like vanity, but how can that be?
I’ve never known such a sentiment before.

I feel attractive... not a common feeling.

I feel wanted... even less common.
How can I explain what’s happening to me?
I can’t think straight. I can’t do that.

The first time I saw you.
Wow, I became a mute.
Nothing would come out of my mouth,
I just trembled and mumbled.
I want you to be mine, and I know you want me, too.
The way our lips have intertwined make me believe so.
Yet how can that be? You’re loved, you’re taken.
Why, I ask myself, why?
Why didn’t I meet you a few months ago?

Maybe it’s just destiny,
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
All I know is that destiny sucks,
Well, if this is what it is for me.

I’m anxious, my dear, I’m anxious.
Can’t wait to see you again.
While in your arms, I feel so secure,
Nothing will ever harm me.
While your lips touched mine,
There was no better feeling,
Than the one feeling inside.

Where are you, my love?
I want to love you.
Where are you, my love?

Aventura Carnal

En esta noche estrellada,
Donde las luciérnagas vuelan sin cesar,
Rodeándonos a diestra y siniestra,
Vientos se mezclan con tu melena negruzca.
La esencia que nos rodea,
Velas encendidas,
Melodías excitantes.
Tu andar tan sensual,
Que me incita a consumirte entera,
De pies a cabeza.

Deseo, con una sola Mirada,
Conquistarte y tenerte para mí.
Estrecharte entre mis manos,
Acariciar tu suave piel.
Convertirnos en uno,
Mientras tus labios se unen a los míos.
Dejarnos llevar por la pasión ardiente
Que recorre nuestras venas.
Que la calentura de este amor
Nos despoje de toda barrera
Que nos impide entregarnos por completo
En un acto de deseo y carne.

Pasar mis dedos entre tu cabellera,
Mientras tú te me das completa.
El aroma que emana de tu piel brillante
Gira en mi cabeza, volviéndome un ocho.
Siento todo tu delicado cuerpo,
Y toda tu piel sedosa, que se une al mío.
Revolcándonos como luchadores,
Estamos de lleno en nuestra calentura.
Un enredo entre brazos y piernas,
Mientras tus besos me ponen la piel erizada.
Nuestras carnes se unen en una sola.
Siento el fuego dentro de mi ser,
Introduciéndolo en tu interior,
Quemando toda inhibición que existía,
Permitiendo que el placer predomine en esta noche.

El mundo y la noche
Se hace nuestra, enmarañada en el deseo.
Que la noche nunca termine,
Quiero quedarme hasta el final.
Nuestros cuerpos bañados en sudor,
Mojados por la excitación,
Acaricio tus pechos erguidos,
Mientras tú, me aruñas la espalda
Y, extasiada, gritas como una loba en luna llena.
La intensidad del placer es tan profunda,
Minutos gotean, las horas pasan desapercibidas.

Una acción tan deliciosa tendría que ser pecado.
Nos devoramos a besos,
Nos apretamos completamente.
Caricias que incitan a lo más pecaminoso.

Alcanzamos el cielo,
Puedo ver las estrellas con los ojos cerrados.
Unos alaridos apasionados
Salen de lo más profundo de mí,
Como una bestia feroz.
Nuestros cuerpos tiemblan en conjunto,
Inhalo tus aires, tú, los míos.

Estaremos entregados la noche entera,
Hasta que nuestros cuerpos estén agotados
De tanta locura enardecida.
La noche es joven,
Disfrutemos al máximo De lo excitante de nuestra aventura carnal.


Lost in this world,
I’m in a confusing crossroad,
without no lead or sign.
I look down and see blood,
flooding under my feet,
yet no flesh or wound.
I look at the sky and I see fire meteorites,
shooting down as nuclear bombs,
And my mind closes down,
leaving me inhuman,
incapable of doing anything to save me.
A flaming bird flies down and picks me up,
sailing me through the violet skies.
Clocks tick in my head,
pounding my conscience to craziness.
As I fly through the sky in the bird’s claws,
they cut me to pieces.
I see pieces of me falling to the darkness of a vast emptiness.
It is my hour;
the time has come for me to leave this world.
There is no reason for me to keep on living.
Yet I see, in the distance, a white silhouette.
Hair flailing in the wind, a long dress, drenched of sea water.
You reach out your hand, I try to grasp it.
Our fingertips touch gently, making me feel vibrant.
I feel so awkward. I feel my heart beat.
I feel the blood rushing throughout my whole body.
My body begins to re-construct itself.
Something happens to my face: it glows, I smile.
I see you smiling back at me, and I feel the urge to kiss you.
Your ruby-red lips wait this moment in which I unite them with mine.
When I finally reach you, everything goes back to normal.
The bloody me, the sailing guy falling to pieces.
No more smiles, no more glowing,
No more beautiful silhouette waiting for me.
It was an illusion that felt too real.
It was a mirage, just like you were to me.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Is a Blog a Useful research tool, and why?

To answer the above question, I would have to reflect on my experiences using blogger. I have enjoyed using blogger as a "Diary". If you read before this blog entry, you can see that two years ago, I was depressed and felt completely alone, and people have shared their feelings with me, and I have been able to overcome that depression. Now that I have grown personally, professionally, mentally, and I have matured, I'd say that it is an excellent tool. Later on, I had to open a blog for classes, and my experience there was not that good, but I'd have to say that that is because of the instructor's lack of interest in motivating us to use it completely. However, I have enjoyed my experiences, and posting stuff for classes.

Why is it useful? Students can use an new interactive way to communicate ideas, opinions, and ask for help, outside of the classroom, and one can maintain a certain level of anonymity if anyone doesn't want to share their identities. Yes, it has its disadvantages, but I'd say the advantages are more.

Welcome Back!

Whoa! It's been more than two years since the last time I wrote in this page! Actually, almost two years. Welcome back to me! And to those of you who read me before. You will notice that I am alot more positive than two years ago. You will see soon, as soon as I start writing!

Hope to hear from y'all readers soon. Buh-bye!!!